Okay. I just *lost* the entire post I'd just written! GRRR. If anyone reading this knows how to copy a post or save it so it doesn't disappear, please let me know. I can't seem to keep rough drafts. It *said* it autosaved, but it didn't.
Writer Cat Schield "tagged" my blog as one that she enjoys. Thanks, Cat! Apparently tagging is a way to connect to other writers and share thoughts and supports and updates, so I'm all for that. There are rules to the game of tag here. I'm supposed to share 6 unimportant things about myself, and then link back to Cat's blog and others' and to post the rules on here. So here goes:
6 Unimportant Things about Mel:
1) I'm addicted to reality shows. I started with "Survivor" and "The Mole." Got bored with Survivor years ago, and The Mole has been off for forever, but I now watch "Intervention," "Mission:Organization," "Rock of Love" and "Project Runway," to name a few! Never got into "The Great Race" but can't wait for each "Big Brother" or "American Idol." Love "First 48," where detectives work on the first 48 hours of a real homicide case. If you want to know what makes me love these shows, read Unimportant Thing about Me #6.
2) Roses aren't my favorite flowers. Roses are so...popular. I like the fresh-picked look of a wildflower arrangement, as long as it doesn't contain mums and other hothouse-looking stuff. I like to garden, so maybe that explains my preference.
3) I love to sing. I'm not very good at it, but I know a LOT of songs and have a knack for remembering lyrics. I can just enjoy singing to myself or unfortunate family members, but I have no pressing need to really perform for others. Sadly, I don't feel that way about writing. It pains me to not have a book out there that people believe in. It makes me feel inadequate. I would love to be writing and selling. Writing is different from singing in that a book proves you can do it! At least, it proves it to the author. It doesn't really matter how many people say it's cool that I can even put sentences together. I just want the publishing industry to believe in me! Correction: it *does* help when people compliment me for being a writer. It helps a lot. The way I feel about not having a big publishing contract is just me being hard on myself, and I know that.
4) I was sick a lot when I was a kid, bouncing back and forth between sore throats and bladder infections. I only became healthy when, at 10, I had surgeries to correct their causes. So I had to spend a lot of time alone. That's when I learned to entertain myself with needlework and reading. And imagining. I feel that's what made me able to be happily alone most days, which is quite conducive to writing.
5) I LOVE St. Pattie's Day!! We like to celebrate it. It's a great time of the year to have a party cuz it's after the big holidays and before Spring break. We love to fix Irish stew, corned beef and cabbage, Irish soda bread and have Irish beer. I love green! It's my fave color.
6) I'm constantly amazed by people. I think something that fascinates me most is the dichotomy of all the wonderful, big-hearted people, and all the selfish people. But really, everything about people is interesting to me. I'd be happy for the rest of my life if I could just talk to people, observe them and think, "Why are they that way?"
Now I'm supposed to post the "Tag" rules, so here they are:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. Share six unimportant things about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your blog entry.
5. Let the tagged people know by leaving a comment on their blogs.
The six people are: Cat, Mary, Chelle, Carla, Angi, Cynthia.
Write on!
Dark Cover, Bk 2 The DARK Files by Susan Vaughan
10 months ago
We have alot in common! Okay...game-on! I'll try to think of some things I can share. LOL.
Kewl, Chelle!
I *knew* we had a lot in common! I wish we lived close so you could come to my St. Pattie's dinner.
When you do your six things on your blog, email and let me know so I can read them. Or I'll check back on there. I need to catch up on your blog, anyway.
Hugs to ya and thanks for playing tag!
Where did you tag me,woman? I am so not good at this stuff!
Hey, Mary,
I thought I'd emailed you to tell you that you were one of the ones who was supposed to put this on your blog and do it! LOL But with my bad memory, maybe I forgot. Sorry!
Want to play? Just follow the rules on here and send an email to some buddies to get them to do it on their blogs or websites.
Thanks for reading!
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