No! I'm not making any resolutions this year. I usually make a few earnest ones and try to stick to them, and I'd actually thought of a few this year, before the ball fell. But I believe it was on New Year's Day that I heard someone say they were a bad idea. Why? Because most people can't keep them, or don't keep them. They say a better way to make resolutions is just to resolve, daily, to do certain things differently.
I guess there isn't really a big difference between that and the NY resolutions, except that with them, there's maybe a bigger letdown if you break them. Well, who wants to go around feeling bad? So here are my resolutions that really aren't resolutions at all. Hey, what do you call things you decide just about every day to do, and sometimes you do them and sometimes you don't? Are they mantras, or goals, or just to-do list things? Well, here they are:
1) Walk more. I'm trying for 10,000 steps each walk, which is 5 miles. I'm not there yet, but if that's my goal, it keeps me going longer.
2) Work on my writing and improve all the time. Create well-motivated characters, and don't come up with convoluted plots.
3) Be nicer and less demanding with the spouse. And don't allow spouse to over-schedule social activities or out-of-town fun. Too much play time makes Mel a frustrated woman.
4) Don't be so hard on myself.
That's it. I work on this all the time. What are your things you're always resolving to do?
Dark Cover, Bk 2 The DARK Files by Susan Vaughan
10 months ago
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